Pagan Pride Day


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Opelika-Auburn News article about PPD

Schedule & Activities
Vendors & Organizations

The 2015 Auburn (Alabama) Pagan Pride Day (PPD) was held Saturday, September 19, 10am - 7:00 pm Central time, at the Davis Arboretum on the Auburn University. Hosted by Church of the Spiral Tree, PPD is always an all-day event, open to everyone, children included, and is free to attend. The non-perishable food items that were collected were donated to the East Alabama Food Bank, in the name of Church of the Spiral Tree.


10:00 am
Sargam: Eastern Music - by Alex H.

The Sargam are the Eastern equivalent to the Western solfege (do-re-mi-...). We will learn each note, how it can be manipulated musically, and the important link each note has with our physical and spiritual well being. Singing is not mandatory, but it's certainly a lot more fun if you do!

11:00 am
Pop Culture Misconceptions by Kat H.

Black cats, brooms, wands, and pointy hats--what do they all mean? Movies, books, and television have given all of us ideas of the significance behind these items and not necessarily in a positive light. The aim of this class is to demystify the meaning of commonly accepted customs and tools of the pagan community using pop culture references as a discussion springboard. People of all faiths, especially the curious, are encouraged to attend.

12:00 pm
Fundraiser Lunch
Sandwich, chips, cookie, and drink for $5. All proceeds go to Church of the Spiral Tree.

1:00 pm
Show and Tell - by skippy

Come "show" yourself and "tell" us about your path, experiences, and any other bits of personal information you might want to share with the community. This will be an informal discussion, with attendees surrounding the moderator in a circle. So, come, meet, and learn about your fellow pagans. Who knows, you might even make a friend or two if you're not careful!

2:00 pm
Church of the Spiral Tree's General Membership Meeting

A voting meeting for all active members of Church of the Spiral Tree. Interested non-members are also welcome to stop by and meet us!

3:00 pm
Solitary Paganism - by Madeline

This will be an informal discussion of solitary Paganism - what it is, what it is not, and some resources for the solitary Pagan.

4:00 pm
Enhancing the Reiki Experience - by Jillian Smith (Cam deWelles)

Join in a discussion of what Reiki is, shared perspectives in individual Reiki practice and experience, enhancement modalities and client relations. This is an opportunity to learn if Reiki healing is something you would like to know more about or learn about others' experiences and techniques that you could use to explore in your own practice. All levels and those with no experience are welcome to participate.

5:00 pm
Being Pagan in the South - by Kat P. & skippy

It is quite the task to be Pagan in the Bible Belt, but we are also Southern! This class proposes ways in which we can "bridge the gap" between Christians and Pagans in our own communities. We will discuss strategies, conflict management, and the need for awareness and tolerance here at home. All faiths are welcome.

6:00 pm
Open Ritual to Celebrate the Harvest Season - by Kat H.

7:00 pm - CLOSE


CatNip Dreams - Handmade smudge fans and jewelry, clothing.

Cody Jasper Art, Auburn, Alabama.

DreamScapes - Representing and celebrating the diverse spirituality of Auburn, and surrounding areas. We'll be bringing a spackling of goods we carry from three of our businesses, DreamScapes, Da' Gallery, and Cosmic ConneXion. Stop by and check us out. Not only goods, we also provide an array of services, and classes throughout the year from qualified, experienced, and positive leaders in their fields. DreamScapes/Cosmic ConneXion, 1635 S. College St., Auburn, AL 36832; (334) 887-0989; Da' Gallery, 236 Gay St., Auburn, AL 36830; (334) 521-5067; Find us on Facebook as well.

East Alabama Buddhist Fellowship - Offering practice Thursday evenings at 6:30PM at the Auburn Unitarian Universalist Fellowship on Thach Ave. For more info contact:

Mystic Moon - Spheres, stones, crystals, obelisks, candles, tapestries, oil burners, oils, mortar and pestles, and much much more.

Our Father's House, Our Mother's Cabinets - Reiki readings, worry dolls, jewelry, and other handmade Pagan and spiritual items. (404) 454-4094; www.ourfathershouseourmotherscab

Patti's Wood Art - Hand-crafted woodburned plaques. .

PlanetShelly - Self-published science fiction and fantasy novels, handmade nature, Egyptian, Pagan, Celtic, and science fiction themed jewelry.

Saleena's Sundries - Handmade figurines, portable altars, oracle divination, portable and instant spells and crafts. Oracle readings, home made figurines, portable altars, portable spells, pagan crafts.

Source Medicine - Crystals, handmade herbal products, dream pillows, cards, astrological tools.