Pagan Pride Day


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What to bring with you!
Schedule & Activities


The 2018 Auburn (Alabama) Pagan Pride Day (PPD) was held Sunday, September 23, 12 pm - 6 pm Central time, at the Davis Arboretum on the Auburn University. Hosted by Church of the Spiral Tree, PPD is always an all-day event, open to everyone, children included, and is free to attend. The non-perishable food items that were collected were donated to the East Alabama Food Bank, in the name of Church of the Spiral Tree.

As a fundraiser, CST offered chips, water, and soft drinks for sale throughout the day.



Fundraiser Sale: CST is offering chips, water, and soft drinks for sale throughout the day, in the Pavilion.

Fundraiser Raffle: Ivee is running at 50/50 raffle throughout the day, with the winner being drawn at the main ritual ritual at 5:00 pm. Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20.

Group Game Just for Fun - by Amelia Caldwell
A stationary group game of strategy, wit, and little bit of luck. People play as a member of the mafia, police, or town. The object is eliminate the mafia before they eliminate the entire town. If you've ever played the online game Town of Salem, it is very similar. Rule sheets will be provided. It is a great way to have fun and connect with the people around you!

12:00 pm
Beginners' Intuitive Tarot Reading - Dana Champion

This class will be a basic overview to help you get started on the path of learning to read and interpret tarot cards, along with various spreads and how to read them.

1:00 pm
Church of the Spiral Tree's General Membership & Elections Meeting

A voting meeting for all active members of Church of the Spiral Tree. Interested non-members are also welcome to stop by and meet us!

2:00 pm
Show and Tell - by skippy

Come "show" yourself and "tell" us about your path, experiences, and any other bits of personal information you might want to share with the community. This will be an informal discussion, with attendees surrounding the moderator in a circle. So, come, meet, and learn about your fellow pagans. Who knows, you might even make a friend or two if you're not careful!

3:00 pm
The Eight-Spoked Wheel of the Year - by Ivee

Learn about the eight sabbats that many Pagans observe, based on astromical events such as the summer solstice and the fall equinox, and in-between days such as May Day and Samhain.

4:00 pm
Dowsing - by Linda

Learn about the ancient art of dowsing with L-rods and pendulums. Dowsing can be used to locate water, metal, lost objects, and even lost people. Rods will be provided; feel free to bring your own pendulum or rods.

5:00 pm
50/50 Raffle Drawing - by Ivee

The winner takes home half; the remaining proceeds go to Church of the Spiral Tree.

5:00 pm
Main Ritual - by Trillium

Join us at our Main Ritual to celebrate the Equinox. The ritual is open to all.

6:00 pm - CLOSE


Ascension Tattoo & Art Studio - Presents art of Bella Belial and vinyl art by Bella Grafik. Find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: @ascensiontattoo334; @bellabelial; @bellagrafik.

Circle of the Risen Phoenix - We are an Eclectic Wiccan coven in northwest Georgia. We perform Tarot readings, offer open rituals, and make hand-made goods such as knit hats and scarves. Find us on Facebook or check out our website at

CM Addams Artwork -;

Crow & Crone - Jewelry, incense, herbs, spell kits, oils, etc.; table/altar cloths/tapestries, candles, potion bottles and small art objects.

Curiouz Spirit - We sell handmade wood items, jewelry, dream catchers, herbs, oils, books, and items.

DreamScapes~Cosmic ConneXion - Let's get metaphysical with our universe! Our store represents all things for a healthy spiritual living from products to workshops. Also featuring Angel readings by Caroline.1635 S College St, Auburn, Al. 334-887-0989. Contact Siryn at

Oldways Jewelry - A vagabond shop customizing in jewelry, wands and walking staffs for magical and mundane purposes.

Problem Child Studios - Shelby Diamond/Dahliah Devi, 1426 Saugahatchee Rd., Auburn, AL, (606) 482-0901; Slogan: Long Live the Problem Child.

Stone Wraps by Lacey (and other artworks), (203) 218-7192; Oracle Readings by Cheyenne, (334) 707-0228.


Church of the Spiral Tree - CST, the sponsor of Auburn Pagan Pride Day, is a legally incorporated, tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) religious organization, since 1997, based out of Auburn, Alabama. We are a non-profit, volunteer-staffed, ecumenical, LGBTQ-friendly, Pagan church, designed to foster and celebrate a sense of community and family among pagans, both locally and in other regions of the country/world. Yearly memberships for individuals and families begin at $20/year. We offer regular sabbat rituals, monthly Meetups for dinner and fellowship, and other activities to bring together Pagans from all over.

Spectrum - We aim to share LGBT+ resources with the local community, especially those of the Auburn family through informational handouts and opportunities to become involved with our club, as well as allow attendees to show off their pride (or alliance) by giving away wearable rainbow pins.